U10 (DOB 2014-2016)
The U10 Division is part of the SVSC Community League. This is where players first utilize a goalkeeper. The U10 Division operates with two primary goals. We want players to have fun so they grow to love soccer. We want players to be ready to progress to Competitive teams if they choose to continue playing at SVSC.

The U10 Division is for players born in 2014 to 2016. There is a max of 96 players in the United Division.
There are two seasons - Fall and Spring.
The Fall season dates are September 8 - November 17
The Spring season dates are March 4 - May 3
All practices and games are at the New Smyrna Beach Sports Complex.
Practices are on Mondays and Fridays at 6:30.
Games are also on Mondays and Fridays, but games may be at 5:30 or 6:30. Each team plays about half of their games at 5:30 and half at 6:30.
Players receive a new jersey each season.
There are no extra costs.
Players only need to buy cleats and shinguards.
When you reach checkout during registration you will be asked about some optional additional programs/items.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will we have our own coach?
Yes. Each team will have a volunteer coach. The coach's child plays for free. Coaches must agree to implement the SVSC curriculum. If you would like to coach, please contact the SVSC Board at info@svscsurf.com.
What support can coaches expect from SVSC?
Coaches will be provided with complete practice plans, team shape/tactics, and league rules. Coaching Director will be available to provide guidance, the necessary cones and pinnies, or other equipment when needed. Each player needs to bring his/her own ball.
What if there are not enough coaches?
If there are not enough coaches we will be forced to close registration or refund those players without coaches.
Why don't players play specific positions?
First, in a 5v5 game, what positions could we assign other than goalkeeper - attack, defend, right, left? But the real reason is that players at this age and experience level are not ready for team tactics. There is a difference between being told "stay in that spot" and understanding a position, a strategy, or system. Our "tactical" focus at this age revolves around concepts of space. When the opposing team has the ball what spaces should our team move to occupy (press)? When our team has the ball what spaces should our team move to occupy (open)? How do I move in relation to a teammate(s) (towards, away, laterally)? Can I think one more step ahead, what will I do when X happens? More advanced tactics are layered in at older ages.
Why aren't players allowed to head the ball?
The US Soccer Federation banned heading a long time ago for players under 12 years of age in order to reduce the risk of concussion in young players, and rightly so. The reasons for this are many and backed up by extensive research. At SVSC we have extended that to the Blue Division (U15) as well. Heading is a secondary skill in soccer and more appropriately developed once players' are more physically developed.
What about the other rule changes?
If heading is not a part of the game at this level then there are natural trickle-down effects. If players can't head the ball, why put them in situations where their choice is to head the ball (illegally and perhaps dangerously) or get out of the way? That's why punting and long goal kicks are not allowed (US Soccer rules for 4v4, 5v5, 7v7). Requiring shorter passes develops players' abilities to pass and maintain possession. At SVSC we extended the spirit of that rule to free kicks and throw ins. If long balls create undesirable situations, why encourage that practice? If passing is desired, why not increase the number of passing opportunities by requiring one free pass from all dead ball situations? This is one way that learning and development are baked into the fabric of the league.
Fall 2023
The SVSC Surf League is a recreational soccer league for boys and girls from U4-U14.
To register, use LEAGUES tab and click COMMUNITY LEAGUE.